Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Go go go Steve Nash, you know what they say, Come on now Steve Nash, you'll make it someday, Sha na na Steve Nash, you're in your prime, You and your SUNS, are ahead of your time! GO GO STEVE! GO GO STEVE! GO GO STEVE! GO GO GO STEVE!


abby said...

oh i love that nash.

(btw, sarah, you are definitely mom's daughter. do you remember when molly watched that movie religiously? like 4 hours of donny osmond a day?)

abby said...

oh, i am totally stealing your clock. it is fabulous.

Sarah said...

I know, I think mom sings this more than anyone.

And if you figure out how to post the city under the clock, that would be fabulous. Mine is on Prague time.

elizabeth said...

Do you like Steve Nash or something?

Emily said...

The Suns really need to win a championship.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Sarah. I smiled when I recognized the Joseph tune. I love it! I use it to cheer people up, mostly. AG

Neil and Diana said...

Championship? What is all this about?

AliceK[i]ND said...

Last night was just depressing though. But I'm still hopeful. I love my Suns!

JenJ said...

OK, I am going to say a quick GO MAVS and then run away quickly!! :)