Friday: Saw Lend Me a Tenorwith some most generous, and very fun friends at the Hale Centre Theater. It was very well done! We laughed and laughed and had a great time.
Saturday: Cleaned out my old file crate that's been sitting in the garage, untouched, for 8 years. Old taxes, teaching junk, more junk. 95% went to the trash or shredder.
Saturday: Went to a BBQ at our friends' beautiful home complete with giant bouncy castle and delicious food. So fun!
Sunday: After attending our own ward, we went to my nephew, Ben's ward for his farewell talk. He's leaving on a mission for our church in 2 weeks. Colombia.
Sunday: Visited Christian and kids who are in town for a few days. So good to talk with him and listen to the happiness in his voice. He has come so far and is determined to help Stephanie continue to heal. He looks and sounds great! Our kids were excited to see Claire and Jane and Ollie too. After just a few minutes, they were all playing cowboys or school or dress up.
Sunday: Open house for Ben at his home. Lots of good food and company! Ben is going to be an incredible example to the people he meets in Colombia. He's a great young man.
sarah meltdown or kids meltdown?
Children emotionally. And Sarah, physically. I was exhausted. Mostly from 8 am church.
I'm going to see Lend Me a Tenor this weekend. Can't wait. You had a busy weekend, indeed.
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