On Saturday, we were able to attend the annual COPA ball, a black tie event to raise money for the Maricopa Health Foundation, which is hugely responsible for Stephanie and Christian's recovery through the Burn Unit at Maricopa County Hospital. You may remember last year we attended as well. Only last year, Stephanie and Christian were in comas. The tone of the event, for us, was obviously much more somber. We did not know how or when or if they would recover.
This year, the event was joyous. A celebration of the miracles that faith + medicine can produce. Stephanie and Christian were guest speakers and had the whole audience captivated with their remarkable story. Tears flowed. Standing ovations were given. We were so grateful to be in attendance and so thankful for the donor who purchased the expensive table (it IS a fundraiser) so more of C and S's families could attend. I don't know who it was, but we are most appreciative. And, as you likely already know, Stephanie and Christian will be on OPRAH today! Don't miss it!
I want to see a picture of you all glammed up.
yeah, except there is no such picture. Mostly because what does one wear to a black tie event when one is 9 months (unofficially) pregnant? Slim pickins'.
Pictures please. I know what you said, but I don't believe that you didn't look as fabulous and stylish as you do every day (including unofficially 9 mos. pregnant).
It was great to see Stephanie and Christian on Oprah. Very emotional. It would have been so wonderful to be at the ball to hear them tell their story.
i loved them on oprah. amazing. amazing to hear what her guest for the day had to say about the "energy" in their home. what an example to us all. appreciate each day.
& yes, pictures of your gorgeous pregnant selft! :)
Thanks for the post Sarah - I can't stop crying. I lost my baby at 8 weeks and was a wreck. My heart breaks for her. Thanks for writing. Needed to "chat" with someone.
You're great! My heart aches for them too.
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