I spent the greater part of Saturday "whipping up" these costumes for the boys. I thought it would be a quick project. Nope. But I love how they turned out. Totally worth it.
1. print logos2. cut logos out
3. trace logos onto heat n bond paper
4. iron heat n bond paper to fabric
5. cut fabric
6. iron onto onesies
7. sew logos, to secure for washing
8. ....all times 4

They did not like wearing these hats. Big Surprise.
It's just not Halloween unless we have a batman in the family. This boy was set on being Harry Potter, then the Lone Ranger. But when it actually came down to dressing up, he insisted on being Batman AGAIN. I bought this old used costume on ebay 6 years ago. I have a feeling it will be around for at least 6 more.Isn't she a stylish bride? I bought this black (yes, we're so avant-garde) hat-headband, then added the while tulle with a glue gun. The wedding gown was a hand-me-down flower girl dress from uncle neil and aunt diana's wedding in 2006. Flowers from the dollar store. Nothing but the finest for this bride.
The ninja made his second annual appearance. I wish this photo showed the highwater legs. No matter, because "mom, no one's going to be looking at my legs!" Not with muscles like those.
French girl. I removed the pouty pose because it was just too much.
Halloween costume shopping list:
2 one-piece baby outfits - brown, blue - Gap
Hats - already owned
already owned
already owned
dress - already owned
black hat-headband - Forever 21
tulle - Joann's
fake flowers - dollar store
French Girl
black and white striped shirt - Target
red scarf - Old Navy
black beret - Target
accordian - (not shown) already owned
small french flag - printed at home
(also thought about carrying a basket with baguettes)
Most of the items I bought can be used again, like the french girl's costume. She wore it all to church yesterday, minus the beret. And the babies' postal worker costumes are now brand new jammies.
Very cute! (And economical . . . I spent 13$ on a swath of fabric this year, which I hope I can find a use for since I didn't even need to sew it, just safety pinned it.)
You are SO creative. So cute. Loved the babies.
P.S. How did you turn the printed logo's into somthing you can wash? I am unsure of the process, but totally want to try it! Thanks.
You trace your image onto Heat N Bond paper that you can buy at the craft store. Then the Heat N Bond is ironed onto your fabric and you cut it out, then take off the paper layer. What's left is an iron-transfer patch type thing.
The directions are probably much more clear on the Heat N Bond packing.
Love your title - halloween around here is already down and away - but I loved the "look" the boys were too cute, they can drop off packages to me anytime! Molly and Grace were beautiful as always - and Jonah and Owen, those two always crack me up! we just love all your kids. What a creative fun mom they have!
Oh the creativity that Halloween unleashes! Love, love all the costumes! Everybody looks great and those little guys certainly are "special delivery" status! All the work of October is so fun and worth it, but PHEW aren't we glad that its November now and we can breathe?!
Im with Becky--Halloween is so fun but even better when it's over! All of these costumes are darling--esp. love the babies--so ingenious! Where did you come up with that idea? And your girls are just gorgeous. I would worry about that pouty look, too--nothin' good can come from a girl who looks that pretty pouting, or that beautiful as a nine-year old bride. :)
love them all! great idea with the baby boys! ha! milo wanted to be batman this year but i wouldn't let him. i'm a mean mom i think.
Love all the costumes. So cute. I went for using only stuff we had or making stuff for cheap. We spent $4.58 total for three different outfits for each kid. I'm so over spending $30 a kid for one costume.
oh my goodness what a lot of work but an awesome turn out...and your kids are getting so big!!!
Sarah love the costumes, everyone looks so cute, I especially love the twins!
The babies' costumes are very clever and cute! All the kids look so terrific-handsome, beautiful, charming! Nice job!
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