first day of school: brand new shoes | carefully packed backpacks | uniforms | cooperative photo subjects
last day of school: no shoes | no uniforms | what backpacks? | uncooperative subjects

Sidenote: Kindergarten just about killed me this year. I'm not kidding - the homework and phonograms were over the top. I don't know if I can do it with 2 boys in a few years.
That's a cute idea...a first day and last day comparison. Definitely a different dynamic.
Cute kids too. :)
I can't get enough of these beautiful kids. They're perfect in every way.
spoken like a true grandma!
I LOVE seeing your six. Wow Sarah. We have come a long way.
Wow! Grace has grown a lot this year hasn't she?
When did grace get glasses?
I second that, Amye.
Love it! Hope you are enjoying your summer. Beautiful kids :)
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