Tuesday, September 10, 2013

baby potluck

Introducing Potluck's little sister: Baby Potluck. I had so many squares from the original leftover, I couldn't resist putting this one together. I laid it out with the white squares randomly placed throughout. But after sewing the rows together, I decided I wanted the white squares to look more intentional, so I rearranged everything and settled on this white V formation.
Hank and George are always eager to help me with quilt photos, but Goerge's little conniving is something to watch out for. I helped them stand on the bench, and then told them to hold the quilt up high. As soon as I stepped back to take the photo, George whispered: "Let's drop it. 1, 2, 3!"
We tried it again, but George still had a hard time following directions. What a shocker!
So back inside I went. Hank followed. He is especially excited about photos these days. He wants to be in every shot.
Sidenote: My boys love this old Rice Krispies shirt they've had since they were two. Especially Hank. He looks for it every morning. I let them choose their own clothes (most days) and Hank cannot get enough of his faded, too small, two-year-old clothing (he's wearing holes in these plaid shorts). Despite my efforts to replenish their wardrobe, they prefer the "tried and true" standbys. If I remove them permanently, I think Hank will have a panic attack.
The back is aqua flannel with one white cotton stripe. I quilted it in the double leaf pattern again and bound it using scraps from other quilt bindings. It seemed fitting.
Baby Potluck is for my neighbor's sweet baby, Laryssa.


  1. I still love patchwork so much, and this is the perfect example of why! It's perfect!

  2. I honestly don't know how you give these away Sar. Each and every one is amazing! I love this one and I love the boys' modeling. :)

  3. I don't know how you make that design on the back so perfect. Every quilt you make is amazing. The boys have a ton of personality-I love their antics!

  4. What size is the baby potluck? What size do you recommend for a baby quilt? It's been a long time since I had babies but want to make one for a friend's daughter.
