Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holly Jolly Decor of Yore

We recently acquired a big box of Mark's missionary memorabilia that's been stowed away in Mark's childhood basement. The best thing about that box, aside from the sweet 90's photos, was definitely a giant felt Christmas stocking. I'm a little obsessed with it and my bad pictures don't do it justice! Mark's mom made it for him while he was on his mission and sent it to him, probably full of homemade fudge and deodorant.
Jonah asked if I'm going to make one for him when he's on his mission too. I made sure he knew that not every missionary gets a handmade giant felt missionary stocking, but I could probably whip something up. I don't know if  I could duplicate such a gem as this though! 
Mark's mom also made these "chunky santas" over about a ten year stretch - mostly through the 90's. Each is signed and dated and I am in love with them. It's been several years since I pulled them out, but recently, while cleaning out the boys' closet, I rediscovered them. We've been missing out for sure. My kids are completely delighted too. 
People give tole painting a bad wrap, sometimes rightfully so. But not in this case. Mark's mom is a "detail" person and she can paint anything! These santas are perfect.
Hank is completely obsessed. He spends hours everyday moving the santas from the piano, to the TV stand, to the floor, then back up to the piano. Each transfer is meticulous and perfectly straight and aligned. We cannot make adjustments or accidental bumps without repercussions from Hank. I have told him how special they are, so he is very careful with them.
And then there's our tree. It looks and smells great: might just be the best tree we've ever had! But when will I ever get it lit? It's killing me. I think I make this same tree post every year.


  1. Love the stocking, my mom made one for my brothers too...what a flash back! Your tree is beautiful as always, even unlit!

  2. Those Santas are amazing!!! Even better in person.

  3. Beyond fabulous. Those santas are probably worth a mint! (Not that I'm tacky.) I absolutely love the stocking--you can't make that stuff up!

    Love this post; it's like a little peek into Christmastime at your house. Makes me wish we lived closer and could go shopping together. :)
