Tuesday, January 14, 2014

so this is Christmas

I know. Christmas is the last thing on your mind. But I am still basking in its glow. Maybe because I really started to feel the Christmas spirit only about five days before Christmas. (Not good, I know.) Maybe because my live tree still stands in my living room - unwatered since New Years Day, and unadorned since last week. Maybe because the actual day was wonderful and we enjoyed staying home with cousins and grandparents-a-plenty. And then we continued to celebrate with them days after the actual day.
You can enjoy Christmas again/still too. Walk with me down Christmas lane.




  1. Wow! Lots of fun photos and I've never seen that format before.

  2. Super cute, Sarah! I love the photostrip.... Did you design it in photoshop??

  3. Also, I am just starting your potluck quilt... I love it. Did you have to cute the chevron fabric a certain way to get the stripes for the binding?? You have mad skills! I would love to be your neighbor!!!

  4. Angie,
    I used photoboother.com and it is really simple.

    For the binding, I didn't do anything special: just cut it in regular 2 1/2 inch strips. It will naturally look like diagonal stripes when it's folded and sewn on.
    And I would love to have a neighbor who wants to quilt with me!!!!

  5. Fun! I would like to transport back to that day right now. It was a good one.

  6. really... did that not work

  7. Sad. I weill re type my comment... not sure what happened.

    Thanks for your advise! I am going to do that chevron binding on my current quilting project. I have made multiple quilts I have seen here. You are the cutest and have impeccable taste. I love your style. I will look at that web site too for the photostrips.

    As far as being neighbors... would you consider moving to Utah? :) (I actually ran into your super cute sister Abby once at Target AND I even had the nerve so say hello. It's funny I feel like you and I are old friends since I've read your blog for years!) I have a dear friends who lives in Glibert... I think you are around there...

    Oh, lastly, do you happen to have that rockin Yoda Valentine on your computer somewhere? I would love to do that for my hubby this year, but the link didn't work to download them... it says I could not gain access... weird.

    I look forward to your posts... I made the advent bags for me and my sister a couple months ago. Yep. Loved thoee too.

    The end. The length of my comment is a little ridiculous. :)
    xoxo Angie

  8. Angie,
    Here's the link for Yoda. I don't have it on my computer. But the link is working for me still. Maybe try it again.
    Thanks for your kind words!


  9. Sarah,
    The link does work great... you just can't download them. But, I right clicked on it and save it that way. I should have thought if that sooner! Sorry to bug you!
    I'm excited to use them for my family.
