Monday, October 13, 2014

many photos. one quilt.

We just returned from London and the jet lag is casting its vote for sleep. But this quilt is finished, and by golly, what better time than now to blog again after my quasi summer-hiatus.
This quilt was inspired by the design of this one and the colors of this one. My nephew, Golden, is the long overdue recipient.
 Can't forget the back.
I snagged this insty from my sister. Love to see baby and quilt living in harmony. I think the colors are more true in this photo. The black looks black, and the navy looks navy. And how cute is that boy!


  1. This may be your finest baby quilt ever! It is just amazing.

  2. It's just so good. Can't tell you how much I love it. (Bring on the London pics!!)

  3. I agree with Amye--I love this quilt best of all! So sharp and clean and beautiful. And LONDON? What? When, who, why? Tell us more!
