Ice cream, cake, cookies, donuts not considered candy. Not a bad gig.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
100 dollars
It's official! One year. No candy.* One hundred dollars.
The whole family celebrated on new years day with CANDY, lunch at the restaurant of Grace and Molly's choice (Paradise Bakery), and a small ceremony at the restaurant where Mark said a few words and handed out $100 bills. When asked if they wanted to earn $100 in 2009, all children unanimously agreed! Owen, we're not holding out for you. But Jonah (who opted out last year) is in!
delayed gratification,
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What a neat idea. And the kids looks so happy holding their rewards. I wish I had that kind of will-power. Maybe, I'll give it a try with my kids. :)
i can't believe they did it! will mark pay me $100 not to eat candy?
Maybe. Would $100 be worth if for you Abby?
They did it! Girls, you are such an inspiration to Elliot and Aaron. My question, though, is why didn't you take a little break (say, a month) before signing up to do it again?
Way to reach your goal, Molly and Grace! Girl power!!
I'm proud of you. Nana
you're right. make it $1000, mark.
Very impressive! I think my kids might even be tempted to try it! I'll have to show them the photos of Molly and Grace with their BILLS!
what a great idea. and your kids are beautiful.
I'm so proud of the girls. Will mark pay me $100 for no Candy of course I'm not sure I can do it. But hey if he will pay why not
I can't believe it! Way to go girls! I was so impresses with Grace not eating any of the candy I was trying to get rid of at the park the other day - sorry for the temptation, I completely forgot! Look out Mark - next time it could cost you a lot more - those are some very determined children you have!
Wow that is impressive. I am sitting here debating if that is something we could do. I like the $100 idea. mmmm....maybe I just want to see how long my kids would last.
Bekki, who are you kidding?
Church Fam, Go for it! Jackson might be your only taker. Or at least he's old enough to understand money's value.
Abby, I'm not sure $1000 can keep me off candy for a year.
Mark did this for THREE years as a kid. And his 2 sisters. I would/could not do it.
Sarah that hurts that you don't think i could do it. But who am I kidding I love candy just as much as you.
LOVE this plan. So glad they did it! What an accomplishment!
I see your logic, but the longer you wait to start, the longer you have to wait for the moo-la. Their choice though.
you mean they're not spending their 100 bucks on candy?
I am so impressed! This would go over like a lead balloon in our house. In fact, the girls just looked over my shoulder and asked what the pictures were about. I told them, and asked them if they'd be interested. Before I could even finish my sentence, they said, "Nope! No, never. Could never do that," and walked off. There you have the difference between your children and mine.
Smitty (I assume this is Jen),
My children are CANDY FREAKS! I am more surprised than anyone that they did this. Also, some of their motivation comes from peer pressure (Molly's doing it, I want to do it). It helps them to know their dad did it as a kid too.
Can I get in on this deal too? As long as I can have ice cream, I can give up candy. Good for them!
That means no candy or sprinkle toppings on your ice cream...
Sarah, I think that's so cool. Your girls are demonstrating such admirable traits at such a young age(e.g., the value of commitment, the value of $$ [like, it takes work], the value of delayed gratification). Way to go!
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