These were our gifts to the Primary children last year. 3 of us made 150 of these blocks. They are even cuter in person. And even more work in person.

Pictures coming soon of this year's gift.
Think less work. Less stress. More useful. Very cute.
Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.
And these were very much appreciated by the moms who loved help decorating their kids'rooms! My girls loved those, they take them to church in their bag along with their scriptures...or alone when they can't find their scriptures! You're awesome!
La Smala,
You're so nice! We were happy to make them for all the children. It was Deb's idea. She's so crafty!
I saw these and thought, "you have got to be kidding me." 150? Now I know why I am in Relief Society. But I'm now feeling guilty for not giving out any gifts. Does a lesson schedule bookmark count? Even though it is late and won't really even get to them until, well, hopefully sometime in January?
Primary and R.S. are completely different worlds. Are you the R.S. president?
You are a saint! I know we love Noahs block, that he got last year. I think it is such a nice thing you do. Even if you can't change the channel on your remote at night because you sanding fingers are raw!!
can't wait to see the pictures for this year's gift, Glen Lakes ward just might have to copy!
Sarah, no I am not the Prez, thank heavens. Just education counselor which I love being as it involves so little craftiness.
A wonderful gift! I'm impressed.
We did the SAME THING in Primary last year.
For this year we went to the cannery and put lots of little goodies candy, mini toys, stickers, CTR bracelets, etc. in soup cans. We then made special labels to make it look like their own can of soup. It was actually really easy and fun.
The best part is the kids have to wait until they get home and open the can with a can opener!
I'm excited to see what you guys are doing...I may steal it for next year.
I'd love to see your blocks from last year.
And I LOVE the can idea. I don't know if we'd have it in our budget to spend that much on each child. But I think that would be so fun for the kids. I'm going to remember that and make it work somehow for next year.
HA! My fingers are fine.:) We still have ours and love them!
Yep, you got out of sanding. Is that the real reason you moved far far away. I'm on to you now.
Sarah, so so cool! LOVE those boxes, can't wait to see this year's plan!
OK, so I need to know Kara Jayne, if you read this, how did you put the stuff in the can and then seal it so they had to open it with a canopener??? Forgive my slowness, but I really like that idea and can't figure it out. :)
In case Kara Jayne doesn't respond, (But I'm hoping she will shed some more light on the matter) I know you can go to the local church cannery and seal it there, just like if you were canning food. I remember my sister making time capsules that same way, for church or school.
Kara Jayne, I don't want to rain on your parade. Please do tell the details.
How'd you find me out?!? The new gifts are adorable!
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