In April, Mark and I celebrated our anniversary. FIVE YEARS. A few things I love about Mark: He is smart and funny and humble and patient and really good looking and forgiving and he took me to
Cabo San Lucas to celebrate our 5 years together.
Nevermind that 100 of his co-workers {and their spouses} joined us. It was a great trip, regardless of who went with us or who picked up the tab. No,
especially because of that. The timing was perfect.

I'm a happy girl.
mark is the i would've married him just for the birthday messages alone.
the I like that. Where do you get this cool lingo? It must be at the "too cool for 35 year olds" store.
When I saw "5", I thought you were pregnant again! :o) 5 years is great though too. Glad you got a trip away together. I've never met Mark, but I can tell he makes you happy. That means his good in my book. congrats!
Congrats on Five! That flew by, I remember making the jewelry for you. And I was a little worried you might get the swine flu in Mexico, but sounds like you escaped it! And those work trips are the best, you have fun, live it up, and someone else picks up the tab!
Congrats of the big 5! You both deserve each other. A happy ending, for sure!
Wow! Congratulations!
Yes, I like Mark.
Congrats you guys!!! AWEsome five years!
5 years? Crazy. I still remember receiving that gorgeous engagement photo in the mail and thinking that you both scored. And how fun to celebrate in Mexico. Do we get to see pictures? (Whenever "People" magazine gets tedious, I count on your blog to give me my fix of Beautiful People Doing Beautiful Things.)
Congrats, you guys are the cutest and ya know it!
Thanks everybody! I just clicked on these pictures. They sure didn't scan very well, did they? Time to clan the glass on my scanner. Mark's pants look really muddy in the second photo. Weird.
clean, not clan.
congrats, You guys are such a fun couple! I'm liking the comment. I might use that one day. P.s. what shoes did you end up with? Maybe all of them! :)
Your anniversary came and went without me noticing. Blame it on the Wizard of Oz. Mark is fab . . fab . . fabulous! You two are so good together. Happy Anniversary. We love you both so much.
What a good looking couple! You deserve to be a happy girl! Both of you - you guys are awesome!
Church Fam,
Top pair. Maybe the others will find their way into my closet when they go on clearance.
HAppy Anniversary. I must laugh at Marks hair, I love it youguys are such a cute couple. I;m so glad you found each other
We love Marky Mark and we love you.
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