I will not go into lengthy wordiness detailing each one of these Mexican photos. I will spare you and me both. What I will say is that I left 2 swimsuits hanging on the back of the bathroom door in our hotel room. 2 of my most favorite swimsuits I have ever owned are gone forever. Now I am without swimwear. And my children have been swimming everyday in this 100+ degree spring we're having. I need to join them soon. Do you know how much I don't want to look for a new suit? Of course you do. And on an unrelated note, Mark if you are reading this, (I know you are) I expect you to comment on my blog one of these days. That's what I want for mother's day.
Sarah, you look hot in the swimsuits you left in Mexico. I'm looking forward to seeing the new ones.:)
Sarah, I had to use your user/blogger name as I don't have a gmail or blogger account.
The photos are beautiful! Ahh, one day Sean and I will get to vaca like that without kids and then we can miss them. : )
By the way, I love your sunglasses. Great shades need a great swimsuit to match. Good luck on the new swimsuit search. I'll be hitting the oversized/skirted maternity swimsuit isle.
i feel your pain. shade, layers, and modbe have cute swimsuits. good luck. and what's up with the diligent reading husbands that don't comment? my husband reads mine daily also, but i've only received maybe 2 comments. maybe he doesn't want to appear a stalker?
mexico looks beautiful.
What a pain about the suits. Was one of them what you wore at Jonah's b-day last year? That one was so cute.
I wonder what it would be like to be as pretty as you . . .
I've thought about it and I've decided that it would be amazing.
Hey Sarah. I'd call the hotel and see if they could send them to you. The shipping would be less than buying 2 new suits. Plus, not having to try on more suits...priceless. The maid probably didn't turn them in and somewhere in Cabo she's running around in your black polka dot bikini! The trip looks awesome.
Yay for comments from Mark!!!!
Anna, thanks. Even the non-maternity suits have skirts and more coverage these days. amen.
Amy, I actually found one at downeast that I like, but my size is out. I need to do some more looking. I'd prefer to buy a suit I can try on, you know?
Church Fam, yes, I don't remember which one I was wearing, but I haven't bought any new suits since then. There's a photo of me in the black and white polka dot suit. That's prob. the one you're talking about. Thanks for the love. It's an Esther Williams suit.
Lizzy, I don't even know what to say except you are too kind and I'll take your sweetness any day. I don't think I'm paying you enough.
I have thought about that. Do you think the hotel would have a lost and found? I can't imagine. I just assumed the same thing you said: the maid got some new beachwear. And just to clarify: The polka dot suit is a one-piece. Let's remember how old I am and how many children I've had. Love that one-pieces are back in style!
please tell me that the downeast suit is the white one with a ruffle skirt! that's the one i want. i have been up and down this valley to all their stores looking for my size and they are already sold out! beginning of may?! what? and they tell me they probably won't get more? makes me mad.
you two are such a cute couple... and the pictures have made me want to go where ever you guys went. it looks amazing.
sorry about your suits. i know it is so hard to find a good suit. good luck.
This looks so beautiful. I love how you do the montage. Most importantly, I love your sunglasses! Describe, please! (Not that I'm planning on copying you or anything...)
I feel for you on the suits. Some people have a signature color, perfume, lipstick, etc. I've decided my signature move is leaving behind something expensive and necessary every single place I go. I like to think it makes people appreciate me once I'm gone. So don't feel too bad...I'm sure the maid that's running on the beach in your suit right now is remembering the pretty dark-haired girl with fondness.
Beautiful pictures! You make a very nice looking couple. Congrats on 5 years! Sorry to hear about your swimsuit, I would be totally bummed too.
That white suit is gorgeous, but I am not sure I could pull an all-white suit off. You could! The other one I like is the navy polka dot one. I am so bugged that these companies don't restock popular items.
We were in Cabo San Lucas at the "Marquis Los Cabos." It was very nice. Especially since Mark's company was paying.
The funny thing is when we arrived in our room, Mark immediately started unpacking, as he always does. I started in with my, "if you put everything in the hotel drawers, you're more likely to leave something behind" bit. I always leave my things in my suitcase for just that reason. Of course, Mark came home with everything. I felt pretty dumb.
Smith Family,
The sunglasses are from sunglass hut last year. Another little perk from Mark's work is that sometimes he'll win gift cards to here and there. And usually, I am the beneficiary.
I would rather hang myself that shop for a swimsuit! I bought mine at Sam's club, tried it on at home and we're good to go, cauz I don't plan on showing it in public anyway!
And I would expect Mark would be happy that you don't have a swimsuit, would't that mean you'll wear your birthday suit only now?
ha ha!
Hi Sarah,
You probably don't remember me...Liz's good friend Mitch, I came to her wedding???! Anyway, I'd love to include you in a blog feature that I will be doing next week. Email me if interested writebym@gmail.com!
Of course I remember you.
let's talk.
Mexico looks que romantiqua!
So sad about the swimsuits. I lost my favorite swim suit in Hawaii and I still haven't gotten over it. That was in 1993.
That looks so romantic! Makes me excited for our little trip to Puerto Rico next month, business trips with benefits are the best!
so true!
Gorgeous! And Mexico looks nice, too. ;)
You two make such a goregous couple!
(having a bit of insomnia)
Emily's friend here, sent by her post on you. Happy Birthday...
I just want to say that we have left favorite things at hotels like children's blankets etc. and they have sent them to us, thankfully!
I called the front desk and was transferred to housekeeping where they have a lost and found.
If you really want those suits, I'd give it a try.
P.S. So sweet of Mark! and he was the first to comment! Sweet!
Thanks Andelin. I keep thinking I should call, but then am quikly back to thinking it's hopeless. I will give it a try.
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